Monthly Archive: November 2017

Beautiful Sunset From Le Fera Deck at Ngwenya Lodge

The New Kid on the Block!

Le Fera restaurants, bars, pizzerias, shops and spas have been popping up at more and more QVC resorts over the past few years. The name ‘Le Fera’ is an Italian and Latin combination, meaning...

Ngwenya Cutest Baby Ducklings

Travelling for Tomorrow

According to an article published by BBC, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean, than fish! The time for change is now. The smallest effort can make the biggest difference to...

Pita Christmas Tree

Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree…

How delicious you’re going to be! Having a slow braai means indulging in braai snacks for hours and hours, and having a blast socialising with loved ones. It not only brings everyone to the...